Rebates for Rain Gardens and Cisterns
RainWise is a rebate program that helps property owners manage stormwater by installing cisterns and/or rain gardens on private property. This prevents flooding, adds attractive landscaping, and can provide water for summer irrigation. To receive a rebate, you must live in an eligible combined sewer overflow (CSO) basin.
Check to see whether your property is eligible for a RainWise rebate for a cistern, a rain garden or both.
RainWise-trained contractors are ready to work in your neighborhood. Finding a RainWise contractor you want to hire is how to make your RainWise project happen.
Learn about the program and meet neighbors, contractors and other experts. All RainWise events are currently being held virtually.
Cisterns & Rain Gardens
During big storms, polluted runoff can cause sewer overflows and erode hillsides and stream banks. Rain gardens and cisterns can help control this problem.
Looking for more information about RainWise?
Visit our Tools & Resources section for informational brochures, webinars, grant information and much more!
Majken and Mike installed two 205-gallon cisterns with 1,463 square feet of roof runoff captured.
St. Luke's Church in Ballard becomes RainWise with six cisterns and one rain garden!
George and Elizabeth installed six rain gardens and two cisterns with 3,686 square feet of roof runoff captured.
Congregation Beth Shalom installed six cisterns and a rain garden to become RainWise!
Working with ECOSS, Co Lam installed five cisterns to store rainwater for watering and reduce flooding.