Webinar & Workshop Resources
RainWise is a rebate program that helps eligible property owners manage stormwater by installing cisterns and/or rain gardens on private property. This page is for folks that recently attended one of our online webinars or in-person workshops.
Please email rainwise@seattle.gov with any questions.
Webinar Recordings
- July 10, 2024 How to Get RainWise Webinar Meetup
- April 18, 2024 How to Get RainWise Webinar Meetup
- Mar 12, 2024 How to Get RainWise Webinar Meetup
- Feb 15, 2024 How to Get RainWise Webinar Meetup
- July 12, 2023 Harvesting Rainwater with RainWise Webinar
- April 11, 2023 Edible Landscapes with RainWise Webinar
- April 26, 2022 Landscaping for Climate Change Webinar
- Feb 24, 2022 Create a Healthy Garden Webinar with RainWise
- Oct 12, 2021 RainWise & Salmon SEEson Webinar
RainWise Resources
- Email RainWise staff: rainwise@seattle.gov
- Sign up for our quarterly RainWise newsletter: http://bit.ly/RainWiseNewsletter
- Check your property’s RainWise eligibility: 700milliongallons.org/rainwise/eligibility
- Planting plans, plant lists for pollinators and natives, maintenance guide: 700milliongallons.org/tools
- Duwamish Tribe Land Acknowledgement: https://www.realrentduwamish.org/
- Financial resources: 12000raingardens.org/about-rain-gardens/incentives
- GSI Mini-Grants: 12000raingardens.org/gsi-mini-grants
- Do it yourself and other GSI resources: 12000raingardens.org/resources
- SPU’s side sewer program: seattle.gov/utilities/your-services/sewer-and-drainage/side-sewers
Water Harvesting Resources
- Rainwater catchment information and sources for the Pacific Northwest: includes rain barrel and cistern purchasing resources
- Where is Water Info Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1f-G6v3voA
- What is a water footprint? https://waterfootprint.org/en/water-footprint/what-is-water-footprint/
- Waterfootprint.org Interactive Tools: https://waterfootprint.org/en/resources/interactive-tools/product-gallery/
- Personal water footprint calculator: https://waterfootprint.org/en/resources/interactive-tools/personal-water-footprint-calculator/
- The Saving Water Partnership (18 water utilities in King & Snohomish Counties): https://www.savingwater.org/
- Water footprint calculator: https://www.home-water-works.org/calculator
- Alliance for Water Efficiency Calculator: https://kingcounty.gov/depts/dnrp/solid-waste/programs/natural-yard-care/watering.aspx
- Rain barrel information and sources for the Pacific Northwest
- Rainwater Harvesting for Outdoor Use
- Taking On Climate Change At Home: How You Can Cut Carbon Emissions
- Rain barrel information and sources for the Pacific Northwest : Factsheets and suppliers to help you find or build a system
- Installing Cisterns in Your Garden : Factsheet briefly describing how to get started on your cistern project.
- Local Suppliers of Cisterns, Soil and Pavers : These suppliers provide materials useful for RainWise rebate program contractors, as well as non-rebated homeowner projects.
- Disconnecting Downspouts : Factsheet on disconnecting downspouts.
- Saving Water Partnership – A variety of water conservation information including watering guidelines for new plantings
Edible Landscapes Resources
- Clean Gardening Tips: Planting a Vegetable Garden Without Chemicals https://www.usalovelist.com/planting-a-vegetable-garden/
- Growing an Edible Rain Garden in Portland, Oregon https://onegreenworld.com/growing-an-edible-rain-garden/
- 5 wild plants for an edible rain garden https://ministryofthefence.me/2016/09/06/5-wild-plants-for-an-edible-rain-garden/
- Paradise Unpaved — With An Edible Rain Garden https://www.newhavenindependent.org/article/edible_rain_garden_in_fair_haven
- Swanson’s Rain Garden Plant Selection https://www.swansonsnursery.com/rain-garden-plant-selection
- Edible viburnums are a cranberry alternative https://www.oregonlive.com/homesandgardens/2010/02/edible_viburnums_are_a_cranber.html
- Edible Garden Workshop Series https://piercecd.org/499/Edible-Gardens-Workshop-Series
- Seattle Times article https://www.seattletimes.com/explore/at-home/rain-gardens-offer-benefits-that-go-beyond-beauty
Panelist Resources
- rainchangers.org
- 12000raingardens.org/gsi-mini-grants
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjl91DKd-_M&feature=youtu.be
- Rainy Day Reconnaissance (16 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2p_nraMlOY
- Rain Garden PSA (90 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHagAAX1aT8
- It’s your choice (1 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut9BarVF0u8
- Sound and Vision, Toxic Runoff (4 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwJwR8JkugI
- Q13: https://www.facebook.com/StewardshipPartnersWA/videos/10157452228313858/
General Garden Resources
- Healthy Gardens for a Healthy Environment, KCLS resources for learning more about a variety of gardening topics: https://1.kcls.org/healthygardens
- If you want a free Pollinator Seed packet mailed to you, please send an email with your address to rainwise@seattle.gov
- Tilth Alliance, http://www.tilthalliance.org/
- King County Natural Yard Care Program: https://kingcounty.gov/depts/dnrp/solid-waste/programs/natural-yard-care.aspx featuring great presentations on a number of topics: https://kingcounty.gov/services/environment/stewardship/nw-yard-and-garden/yard-talk.aspx
- Bellevue’s Natural Yard Care (Garden Design Guide, Soil Guide, Plant Right Guide, Lawn Alternative Guide, and info on the Bellevue Botanical Garden Waterwise Garden): https://bellevuewa.gov/city-government/departments/utilities/conservation-and-the-environment/natural-yard-care/plant-right-for-your-site
- Healthy Soil and Soil Testing Program: https://kingcd.org/programs/better-soils/healthy-soil/
- Chip Drop: https://getchipdrop.com/
- Using wood chips in the garden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdsKW4ujMsU
- Great Plant Picks: https://www.greatplantpicks.org/
- King County Native Plant resources: https://green2.kingcounty.gov/gonative/Index.aspx
- Invasive weed resources: https://kingcounty.gov/weeds
- Organic Materials Review Institute: https://www.omri.org/
- Guide to identification, images and info on insects, spiders & their kin: https://bugguide.net/
- Tree resources: King County’s One Million Trees Initiative: tinyurl.com/onemilliontrees and City of Seattle’s program: seattle.gov/trees
- Farmer’s Markets and CSA info: https://www.greaterseattleonthecheap.com/farmers-markets/ or http://wafarmersmarkets.org/washingtonfarmersmarketdirectory/
- Sightline Institute Brochure: Is it safe to use cistern water on my edible garden?
- Water Quality of Rooftop Runoff: Implications for Residential Water Harvesting Systems
- Rain Barrels: Testing and Applying Harvested Water to Irrigate a Vegetable Garden
- Beneficial organism handout: https://attra.ncat.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/ipm_full.pdf
- Shades of Green Permaculture
- Garden design resources:
- Soil: Climate Influences Soils
- Plants: Xera Plants, Inc., Plant Zone Look Up Tool
- Watering: Bellevue Going Green: Watering
- Compost and Mulch Resources
- How much do you need? Calculator
- Arborist chips: Chip Drop, Burien Bark, Dirt Exchange, and Walt’s Organic Fertilizer Com., as well as other nurseries and garden centers
- Composted plant waste: Cedar Grove Compost, Mushroom compost:Byproduct of Ostrom’s Mushroom Farm in Lacey
- Other composted waste: Moo-Doo: Organic product made from aged cow manure and sawdust mix, Oly Mountain Fish Compost: Made from organic waste, blended hardwoods, and Washington native fish, TAGRO, Zoo Doo (they boost this is very poopular)
Salmon Season Resources
- Where to find salmon runs during salmon season: http://bit.ly/salmonseeson
- Article: What’s the problem with stormwater runoff?
- Article: Tire-related chemical is largely responsible for adult Coho salmon deaths in urban streams
- Article: Salmon are dying from toxic stormwater runoff; Puget Sound area residents can help scientists figure out why
- Research: Soil bioretention protects juvenile salmon and their prey from the toxic impacts of urban stormwater runoff
- Webinar Recording: Car Tires & Salmon Health: Exploring New Research on Stormwater Impacts Webinar
- Video: Our Cities: Solving Stormwater
- Article: Solutions for Cities and Salmon
- Salmon Safe website: https://salmonsafe.org
- City of Kirkland’s Yard Smart Rain Rewards: www.kirklandwa.gov/yardsmart
- Video: Rainbow Bend: Achieving habitat restoration and flood risk reduction successfully
- Seattle Aquarium Cedar River Salmon Journey
- WRIA 8 watershed salmon recovery website
- Living Shores: Duwamish Floating Wetlands
- Article: ECOSS Grattix Boxes
Healthy Home Resources
- Green cleaning products: https://www.ewg.org/guides/cleaners
- Check it out…biodegradable wipes not breaking down: https://youtu.be/HQEAiTUzIOc
- Learn more about your treatment plants! https://kingcounty.gov/services/environment/wastewater/education/resources.aspx and https://kingcounty.gov/services/environment/wastewater/education/school-virtual-programming.aspx
- Choose safe personal products: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/
- Household hazardous waste disposal: https://kingcountyhazwastewa.gov/households
- Where to dispose of unused medications: https://www.takebackyourmeds.org/
- Sustainability resources: https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/dnrp/wtd/sustainability.aspx