Contractor Resources
RainWise is a rebate program that helps eligible property owners manage stormwater by installing cisterns and/or rain gardens on private property. Contractors must go through our Orientation and be licensed. See Contractor Licensing Requirements for more information.
Please email rainwise@seattle.gov with any questions.
Become a RainWise Contractor: Next Steps
After completing your RainWise Contractor training, refer to these documents to become a RainWise contractor:
- Contractor Skill-building Series: Launch Your RainWise Business
- How to Start Your RainWise Business: A Step-by-Step Guide
- RainWise Business Readiness Evaluation (Optional)
- Contractor Onboarding Packet
- How to request pre- and post- inspection appointments
- RainWise Contractor Program Participation Criteria
RainWise Project Paperwork Forms
Before the Project Starts
Before construction begins on a RainWise project, contractors are responsible for the completion of these forms.
- Customer Understanding Form
- Infiltration Test and Certification
- Sample Site Plan
- NEW! Web-based Rebate Calculator **BETA 2024**
Excel-based Rebate Calculator
Feedback on the web-based calculator?
Project Completed: Rebate Paperwork
Here are the forms that need to be completed by the property owner and contractor to receive the final rebate payment.
- RainWise Rebate Overview
- Rebate Paperwork Checklist
- RainWise Rebate Form
- Property Owner Agreement, For non single-family residence projects over 2,000 sq ft a Large Facility Agreement is required
- Vendor Payment Option (VPO) Form or W-9 form, W-9 required if not using VPO
- Rain Garden Warranty Form and/or Cistern Warranty Form
- Statement of Rain Garden Function Form and/or Statement of Cistern Function Form
- Rockery Release Form, if applicable
- Infiltration Test and Certification, if applicable
For efficiency/ease, here is a consolidated packet of forms that contractors will need to complete with the customer.
Here are additional forms that the contractor is responsible for including in the final submittal.
- Pre-construction Inspection Sheet or Notice of RainWise Project
- Post-construction Inspection Sheet
- NEW! Final Web-based Rebate Calculator **BETA 2024**
Final Excel-based Rebate Calculator
- Final Site Plan
- Invoice
Once compiled, all documents can be sent by email (preferred) to rainwise@seattle.gov or mailed to SPU: RainWise, 700 5th Avenue, Suite 4900, P.O. Box 34018, Seattle, WA 98124-4018.
Financial Support Options
For contractors:
- Vendor Payment Option (VPO): For homeowners who choose to have the rebate go directly to their contractor.
- Please fill out this Rebate Assignment Option form with the homeowner.
For property owners:
- RainWise Access Grant: Provides up to an additional $1000 for RainWise-eligible homeowners and non-profit community organizations (including religious groups) for income-limited and underserved communities
- Access Grant and Mini-Grant in Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Korean
Marketing, Design and Maintenance Materials & Resources
- RainWise FAQs in English.
- RainWise One Pager in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Traditional Chinese, Somali, Tigrayan.
- Cistern Fact Sheet available in English, Cambodian, Traditional Chinese.
Design Specifications:
- Design Details for Rain Gardens and Cisterns Presentation, 2022 update
- Design Details for Rain Gardens and Cisterns PDF, 2022 update
- How to install a pump to a cistern
- RainWise Side Sewer Guidance
- RainWise Land Use Requirement
Guides for Plant Selection:
Use these plant suggestions and plans to simplify your design process and share options with customers.
- Sightline Institute – Using Cistern Water for Edibles
- RainWise Planting Plan
- SPU Natural Drainage Systems Plant Palette 2000-2006
- Seattle Green Factor Plant List
Teach your customers how to maintain their cistern and rain gardens. Use our maintenance guide or “how-to” videos. These are all available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
- Rain Garden and Cistern Maintenance Guide (English)
- Rain Garden and Cistern Maintenance Guide (Spanish)
- Rain Garden and Cistern Maintenance Guide (Vietnamese)
- Rain Garden and Cistern Maintenance Guide (Traditional Chinese)
- Rain Garden and Cistern Maintenance Guide (Cambodian)
- Rain Garden and Cistern Maintenance Guide (Somali)
- Rain Garden and Cistern Maintenance Guide (Tigrinya)
Contractor Newsletter
The RainWise Program emails and its Contractor News and Tips Newsletter to RainWise contractors. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide contractors with important program updates and events. If you are a RainWise contractor and you are not receiving the newsletter by email, please contact us at rainwise@seattle.gov to let us know. Please also let us know if you change your email address. We want to make sure we are sending the newsletter to the right place!
Additional Information
- RainWise Feasibility Inspection
- Vendors for Cistern & Rain Garden Plumbing Supplies
- RainWise Cistern Invoice Process – How-to guide for ordering, picking up, and paying for RainWise cisterns through the Washington Conservation Corps.
- Map of RainWise Basins (updated February 2024)
- Maps of rain garden eligibility – Maps of each basin showing which properties are likely eligible for rain gardens.
- Seattle stormwater manual Seattle SDCI – 2021 Stormwater Code
- Rain garden handbook for western Washington fortress.wa.gov/ecy/publications/publications/1310027.pdf
- Seattle right-of-way improvements manual streetsillustrated.seattle.gov/
- Seattle standard specifications and plans seattle.gov/util/engineering/standardspecsplans/
- Seattle side sewer permit requirements seattle.gov/dpd/permits/permittypes/sidesewer/
- Seattle director’s rules web6.seattle.gov/dpd/dirrulesviewer/
- Seattle land use code seattle.gov/dpd/codesrules/codes/landuse/
- Additional resources from western WA 12000raingardens.org/resources/#