RainWise Rebate Increase

RainWise rebates have increased…again!

In 2023, the rebate for rain garden projects saw a significant boost, increasing from $4.00 per square foot of rooftop runoff to up to $7.00 per square foot. Cistern rebates, which averaged $3.00 per square foot, also surged, reaching a new maximum of $5.33 per square foot.

As of July 2024, RainWise rebates have increased again! Rain garden rebates soared to $7.57 per square foot, and cistern rebates climbed to an impressive $5.78 per square foot, making it the best time EVER to get a RainWise project!

Rebate rates are also based on how well your system manages your stormwater runoff (i.e., larger cisterns that control more runoff will receive higher rebates.) Here are some side-by-side examples of projects that illustrate the difference in rebate amounts available before and after the rebate increase.

Please contact rainwise@seattle.gov with any questions.

How Are RainWise Rebates Calculated?

RainWise rebates are calculated by multiplying the roof area your installation captures by the type of system(s) installed. Rebate caps are higher for rain gardens as they do not have water storage limitations.

How Are RainWise Rebates Changing?

RainWise adjusted rebates to account for fiscal inflation and the changing climate, increasing the maximum rebate for Rain Gardens by $3.57 per square foot and raising the rebate caps for Cisterns by $2.28 per square foot.

Merica’s Rain Garden Project

Merica’s project captured 922 sq ft of rooftop into a 70 sq ft rain garden. She received a rebate of $3,688 for her installation. Today, that same project would receive $6,980!

Julie’s Cistern Project

Julie’s project captured 1463 sq ft of her rooftop into two, linked 205-gallon cisterns. She received a rebate of $4,155 for her installation. Today, that same project would receive $5,105!

Julie’s Cistern Project – Alternative Scenarios

Julie’s project captured 1463 sq ft of her rooftop into two linked 205-gallon cisterns. Today, if she instead installed three linked 205-gallon cisterns (scenario #1), she would receive a rebate of $6,719! If she chose two linked 420-gallon tanks (scenario #2), she would receive $7,654!