The Rebate Process

The RainWise Program provides rebates that cover most or all of the cost of installing cisterns and/or rain gardens on your property. To receive a rebate, you must be in an eligible combined sewer overflow (CSO) basin and work with a RainWise-trained contractor.

RainWise rebates have increased!

Check out our Rebate Increase page with side-by-side examples of projects that illustrate the difference in rebate amounts available before and after the rebate increase.

The Rebate Process

1. Check your Eligibility

Check to see whether your property is eligible for a RainWise rebate for a cistern, a rain garden or both.

2. Find a Contractor 

The contractors listed here are RainWise-trained and are ready to work in your neighborhood. Explore this page and the contractors’ web pages to learn more about them. The first step in hiring a contractor is to schedule a consultation or site visit. Consider attending a RainWise event to meet contractors online or in-person.

3. Work with your Contractor on a Design 

You can work with a contractor to design a RainWise installation that fits your site and your preferences by choosing from a selection of cisterns and plant options.

4. Pre-inspection and Build 

The contractor will arrange for a free pre-construction inspection with the city or county in order to get the green light for the project to move forward. After this is completed, they can begin construction on the RainWise installation.

5. Final Inspection 

Your contractor will make arrangements for a final inspection by a city or county RainWise inspector upon completion. This ensures the project will work before the rebate is paid out.

6. Receive your Rebate! 

Work with your contractor to submit a completed RainWise package. After this is completed, you will receive your RainWise rebate in 4 – 8 weeks.

7. Maintenance 

It is important to maintain your system. Make sure your contractor shows you how or that you contract with them to do regular maintenance. For more information and resources, visit our maintenance page.

Financial Support

The RainWise program also offers financial resources to help homeowners pay for the upfront costs and smaller out of pocket expenses associated with RainWise installations. We hope to make RainWise accessible to low income and underserved communities.

RainWise Access Grant

This grant provides up to an additional $1,000 for RainWise eligible homeowners and non-profit community organizations (including religious groups) to bridge the gap between rebate amount and actual project costs for income limited and underserved communities. To apply or find more information, visit the Stewardship Partners website here.

Vendor Payment Option

A limited number of contractors offer the Vendor Payment Option to their clients; this allows RainWise contractors to pay the upfront costs of the installation and receive the rebate directly. If you choose to use this option, please fill out the Rebate Assignment Option form with your contractor.