
Rebates for Rain Gardens and Cisterns

Want to prevent flooding, add attractive landscaping, and provide water for summer irrigation? Through the RainWise rebate program, you can work with an approved contractor to install cisterns and/or rain gardens on private property in eligible areas of Seattle. Newer homes with existing stormwater features or large redevelopment projects might not be eligible.


A cistern is a large above-ground tank, like a giant rain barrel, used to collect roof water. RainWise cisterns slowly release collected water back into the storm sewer to help reduce combined sewer overflows.

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Rain Gardens

A rain garden is a shallow depression containing spongy soil and a variety of plants. Rain gardens collect water from your roof downspout and allow it to safely soak into the ground.

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Steps to Get RainWise

Steps to Get RainWise

  1. Check your Eligibility: Check to see if your property is eligible for a RainWise rebate for a cistern, rain garden, or both.
  2. Attend an Event: Come chat with staff and contractors and learn about the program at a webinar, workshop, or community event.
  3. Select a Contractor:RainWise projects must be installed by an approved contractor. Browse our list of contractors to get started on your project.
  4. Get Inspired & Work on a Design: You and your contractor will work together on a basic site plan. Check out the Projects page for inspiration from your neighbors.
  1. Move Forward with a Pre-Inspection: Your contractor will request a free pre-inspection from the City or County to make sure the project is ready to move forward.
  2. Construction: After the site plan is approved, your contractor do all the work in constructing your cistern and/or rain garden project!
  3. Receive Rebate: After a final inspection, you and your contractor will work together to fill out and submit rebate paperwork. Rebate checks arrive 6-8 weeks later.

Steps to Get RainWise

  1. Check Eligibility: See if your property qualifies for a RainWise rebate.
  2. Attend an Event: Learn about the program at a webinar, workshop, or event.
  3. Select a Contractor: Choose an approved contractor from our list.
  4. Design & Get Inspired: Work with your contractor on a basic site plan. Check the Projects page for ideas.
  5. Pre-Inspection: Your contractor will request a free inspection to move forward.
  6. Construction: Contractor completes the installation of your project.
  7. Receive Rebate: After final inspection, submit paperwork for your rebate, which arrives in 6-8 weeks.

Connect with RainWise

Want to get more information about RainWise? Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter.

Questions? Contact the Garden Hotline.

Not sure where to find arborists’ wood chips for fresh mulch? Need help with rain garden plants and weeds? Wondering how often or how long to water your new rain garden? Contact the Garden Hotline at 206-633-0224 or help@gardenhotline.org

Multi-lingual service provided.

Looking for more information about RainWise?

Visit our Tools & Resources section for informational brochures, webinars, grant information and much more!


Not sure where to find arborists’ wood chips for fresh mulch? Need help with rain garden plants and weeds? Wondering how often or how long to water your new rain garden? Contact the Garden Hotline at 206-633-0224 or help@gardenhotline.org

Multi-lingual service provided.

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On-going maintenance is essential to keep your RainWise installation working properly. We are counting on your RainWise project to prevent polluted stormwater from going into our waterways. RainWise requires homeowners to maintain their RainWise project for five years.

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Big Roofs: Beyond Residential

We encourage community centers, religious organizations, apartment buildings, businesses and other large buildings to participate in the RainWise program. The bigger the roof, the bigger the rebate to keep Puget Sound and its surrounding waterways clean.

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Looking for more information about RainWise?

Visit our Tools & Resources section for informational brochures, webinars, grant information and much more!

The Rebate Process

The RainWise Program provides rebates that cover most or all of the cost of installing cisterns and/or rain gardens on your property. To receive a rebate, you must be in an eligible combined sewer overflow basin and work with a RainWise-trained contractor. The rebate can be up to $7.00 per square foot of rooftop runoff controlled. Talk with a contractor about what you can do on your property and ways to maximize the rebate.

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